Friday, August 24, 2012

Diagnosis of Relapse Remitting MS

The day has come. All too soon.

Yesterday afternoon my neurologist, Dr Traboulsee diagnosed me with Relapsing Remitting MS. Along with the diagnosis comes options for treatment. Yay! I'm quite optimistic that at least I can focus on something positive now instead of dreading every little twinge and being afraid of what's happening with my body.

I'll discuss the treatment options in another entry - I'm too tired right now to write an articulate summary.


  1. Diagnosis is a positive thing. Now you can move onto treatments and coping solutions.

    I am happy for you that it is no longer up in the air, now you know.

  2. Absolutely, diagnosis is a positive thing. It is a relief to be able to move on and deal with what's going on.

    While not happy, I'm content, to know my diagnosis.
