Monday, September 10, 2012

It's How Much? Shocking!

It's criminal how much is being charged for my medication. It's a good thing I was seated when my pharmacist called me the other day:

"Ms Newland?"

Yes, speaking.

We've just received your prescription. We don't carry this medication in stock, it won't be available for pick-up until tomorrow. Are you aware of how much it costs?


$374 a week.

Pardon? A month?

No, a week. (I almost fall off my chair)

Do you want us to proceed with filling the prescription?

Ummm, yes. I think so. I don't know. How much again?

Have you advised your health benefits company of your Fair Pharmacare confirmation number?

No, I don't know if I have one or not.

Here's the phone number for Fair Pharmacare, you should call them and your benefits company right away to co-ordinate your coverage.

Thank-you very much for letting me know, I appreciate your help.


I'm stunned. Who can possibly afford this medication? If I had no extended medical coverage, it would be highly unlikely that I'd be able to go on the medication. It costs almost $20,000 a year. I'm very fortunate that 80% of the cost will be covered under my benefit plan.

So, after double-checking with my benefits plan, Fair Pharmacare and again with the pharmacist, I've got the the "all-clear" to pick up my vials of platinum. Now, if only the nurse would call to set up the appointment to teach me how to shoot up. Er, self-inject.

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